Monday, June 16, 2014

Well, here I go!  This is a new venue for me and I'm very excited to share my views on teaching, children, and the every day life of mothering and grand-mothering!  I find that my days are filled with memories of recent and long ago experiences of life.
When I first began teaching, over 20 years ago, it was in a private, Christian school.  I had very little experience, but I truly believe I was called to be a teacher.  I fell in love with my role as mentor and educator.  In many ways, it was the best way to begin a teaching career, because I had a small classroom (12 students), very smart students and curriculum that was set in stone.  That doesn't mean I didn't have my challenges.  The joys, though, outweighed the challenges.  This was a class of 6th graders.  They were energetic and motivated!  Where I didn't have a clue, like with a few math concepts, we learned together!  I brought many new ideas to the classroom, but they provided the motivation and desire to learn.
I remember the day before school was to start.  The teachers went on a group "parade" to view each classroom and "ohhh and awwww" over each organized and decorated room.  I didn't have any store-bought decorations and had made them all by hand.  My little owl looked kind of pathetic on my bulletin board, but I learned a valuable lesson that day.  Kids don't focus that much on the decorations and I can decorate a fun, engaging classroom on a small budget.  Yes, I now buy fun decorative borders and clip art, along with my own handmade decorations, but really,  it's probably more for my benefit than the students.  They are waiting to see what KIND of a teacher I will be.  Am I caring? Do I listen to them?  Am I an encourager?  Can they follow my directions?  Am I nice?
After teaching years of 5th and 6th graders, last year I started teaching 2nd. I'd never taught 2nd grade.  I guess I felt that they were not going to be as engaging as the older students.  Again, they have proven me wrong.  I LOVE second graders!  They are motivated!  They are easy to engage and they love to learn!  They want you to love and listen to them.  They have a lot to say and many ideas already developed on what life should look like.
I am forever grateful for the life I have!  I thank God daily for my calling and for the opportunity to serve in such a wonderful way.
I'll keep teaching.  I hope you will keep reading and interacting with my few words of life as I see it.

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